Friday, December 1, 2017

Character Information

Name: Addais Vieyra
Nickname: Addais
Species: Dark One
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual
Height: 5'10"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Golden

In the beginning the light or God, as he would later become known as, created the race of man. The darkness seeing the love between the light and his creation became envious. She wished for the same thing for herself. So, she created the dark ones. Both races lived together upon the planet earth for awhile, but man feared those whom dwelled within the dark. Slowly over time that fear turned into hatred. This hatred would eventually led the race of man to kill the dark ones' king and queen, but this horrible deed couldn't have been done without one of the dark ones' own betraying them and telling man how to do the deed.

Both the darkness and the light became enraged by what had been done. The light took the sun away from man. If they feared the dark so much that it turned into hatred then they will have to live within the dark until they learn that it or those that dwell within its embrace wasn't necessary evil. The dark ones thrived in this world of endless darkness, and slowly over time man's hatred and fear turned into worship. They begun to see the dark ones as gods, and the dark ones milked it for all it was worth.

Addais was born during this time. His father was a high ranking lord within the dark ones' society and his mother was a high priestess for one of their temples. Addais never knew his mother. She wasn't around. A fact that he was certain was his father's influence. Addais' father was a very controlling man, whom liked to keep both Addais and his younger sister Lyrica underneath his absolute thumb. Anything or anyone who could undermine this authority was promptly and often times violently removed. He forced his children to endure countless abuses underneath his care, and even forced them to become his lovers. Addais endured this abuse without complaint. All he wanted was his father's love.

His sister, on the other hand, proved to be a different story. She refused to accept their father's 'world' and was an extremely mouthy child. It was something that often got her into trouble. Still, Addais loved his sister very much and would do anything to protect her. Their father believed that each person was born to a certain role. Females were meant to be submissive to males. Through, a female wasn't necessary suppose to be submissive to every male. A strong female needed only to bend to the strongest male. He believed that a person's role went beyond their gender, but including their personality type.

This was the reason that he forced Addais to endure the same kinda training that his sister did. Addais was a sensitive child, who often wore his emotions upon his sleeves. He was an artist. This not only allowed him to see the world differently than those around him, but capture that image upon a canvas. They were not fighters nor should they expected to be one. Instead, artists should be kept where another can protect and take care of them--especially when they get absorbed by their work. An artist, his father noticed, had the habit of tuning out the rest of the world when they worked. Traits that Addais displayed.

In order to keep Addais and Lyrica dependent upon him, their father made them addicted to his blood. Dark ones often times share blood among lovers. It is believed that it strengthen the bonds between them, but only a little is exchanged. So, if they ever go their separate ways they can without any ill effects. However, some dark ones enjoying making their lovers so addicted to their blood that taking it away will literally drive them insane. Luckily for many of these addicts one blood source can be exchanged for another. This little fact allowed Addais to share his blood with his sister when she decided to stop drinking their father's.

As time went on, brother and sister grew closer and eventually became lovers. Lyrica viewed Addais as her protector, her dominant, and embraced her role as his submissive. They hid their relationship from their father for some time, but then during the act of sex Lyrica called out Addais' name. This annoyed their father, and when he asked her whom her dominant was he became enraged when she said Addais was. He was both angry at the fact that she had picked another to be her dominant, and amused that they had managed to hid their relationship from him for so long. However, such things couldn't go unpunished and that was exactly what he did.

Lyrica having enough of their father wanted to get away from him, and go somewhere else within the world. She asked Addais to join her, and he agreed. He would happily follow her anywhere. However, fate wouldn't have it like that. Their father learned of their plans, and put an end to it. He tried to convince Addais to stay by offering his blood, but he refused. The only thing he wanted was to make his sister happy, and staying wouldn't achieve that. Enraged their father locked them inside the dungeon together.

The dungeon for the dark ones wasn't just a place that one kept their prisoners, but where dark ones will lock up their children in order to force them to think about what they had done, or where they will lock away the insane during those moments when they seem to lose all touch with reality. Their father believed that locking them here would persuade them to reconsider their decision. He realized that Lyrica was very good at fighting the addiction, but Addais wasn't. He believed that she would swallow her pride and beg their father to help Addais. It did not happen that way. Lyrica knew their father was an impatient man, and all she had to do was wait.

Addais, however, couldn't wait and slowly the lack of blood drove him insane. Lyrica offered Addais her blood in order to satisfy his hunger. He gladly took it but the hunger proved to be too large, and he ended up tearing Lyrica to pieces in order to get every last drop of her blood. Their father heard Lyrica screams, and rushed to her aid. However, he arrived to late. Quickly he offered Addais his blood, and brought him back from the depth of insanity. Addais returned to find out what he had done. A fact that upset him greatly. 

His father, on the other hand, seemed indifferent about the entire affair. Death was just something that happened, and once it was done there was nothing to be done about it. He tried to convince Addais to come back with him, but Addais refused. Instead, he flung himself upon the pieces of his sister's body and vowed to stay there until he too died. Addais would not stay there for very long because Marken, one of his friends, showed up and told him of a plan that he and another one of their friends had. In spite the fact that Addais' father established complete control over his children, he didn't keep them isolated. He allowed them to make friends among the other dark ones' children. 

Addais was particularly close with Marken and this other friend he had mention. They were like brothers. So, when Marken asked Addais to help them with their plan he was more than willing to give them his assistance. He left his father's estate--in spite any protest the man might have had. He knew that both his friends would provide him with the blood that he would desperately need. Together the three of them overthrew the currant rulers of their people, and established themselves into that position. They became known as the Trinity. 

They quickly changed the laws of their people--making their society into something darker. Before the Trinity, the dark ones believed that while, yes, some were subservient to others that the master had a duty and responsibility towards those serving him. Afterwards, the master no long had this duty or responsibility towards those serving him. He could do whatever he wanted with them. They were there for his pleasure and amusement. If he was strong enough to take something he could take it, and those whom found themselves within the subservient role had no right to complain.

Each member of the Trinity played a role within the group. Addais became the executioner. He was the one, as many might have guessed, that they sent in if they wished for someone to be killed. He believed that the only true way to get rid of your enemy was to kill them. It was belief that he held when Marken's sister Candra decided to start a rebellion against them. Candra was not happy with the changes that they had made, and wished to return things back to what it had been before they took control. Marken, however, would hear nothing of it. So, instead they ended up locking her up inside a glass coffin. Addais made it perfectly clear to the other two that when they awaken her from her slumber and if she is still a threat to them that he will not hesitate to kill her--regardless of any protest they might have.

Throughout these entire events, Addais was still pretty much the artist, and displayed the traits associated with such a personality. However, this would not last. Events would happen that would allow him to bury that part of himself. It was when he met her. She was another dark one, but an angel to him. She was perfect in every way. He fell in love with her, and had plans to marry her. But, his father caught wind of their relationship decided to put an end to it. He believed that the girl didn't have what it took to provide Addais with the things that he would need. In fact, he believed aside from himself that there were few who could provide such things for his son.

He invented Addais fiancee to his estate, and locked her inside. After keeping her prisoner for awhile, he sent an invention out towards Addais. Without hesitation, Addais rushed to his beloved, and whatever plans he might have upon entering his father's estate was shattered. Addais was still very much addicted to his father's blood. His friends' blood helped curb some of the effects of not having his father's blood--especially the insanity. Drinking their blooded helped keep it from taking over. However, the mere scent of his father's blood brought all these cravings to the surface in an overwhelming way, and found himself more than willing to drink his blood.

As was common with those addicted to the blood of a dark one, Addais found himself completely obedient to his father's will. So, he did not protest when he was told to order his fiancee to sleep with his father and two of his friends. He just stood there and watched the entire thing. After his father and two friends was done with her, she was allowed to go home to her brother. Addais went to visit her a few weeks later to apologize for what he had done, but he found that a great change had overcame her. She was no longer the perfect angel he had fallen in love with.

During the weeks that Addais was away from her, his father came to whisper inside her mind, and influence her thoughts. When Addais came for her, she revealed that she hated him. That what girls like her did, she told him, they used men. She told him to leave, and never speak with him again. He stood there for a few moments unable to believe what he had heard, but slowly her words sunk in. He became outraged. He begun yelling at her. He told her that she hoped she rotted, and that she hoped that she realized what she had done and couldn't live with herself. He hoped that it drove her insane, and he left. 

He went to confront his father about the entire ordeal. His father told him that he was too emotional, and that those emotions were what allowed him to be hurt. Those words allowed Addais to come to blows with his father, and, while he was unable to kill him, Addais managed to lock his father away from him. Then he retreated back to his estate where he locked himself within his room for a few days. When he emerged, Addais was a very different person. He was no longer the artist. He locked all his emotions inside of him becoming a very cold and heartless individual, or so he liked to make everyone believe. Those closest to him knew that in spite his cold exterior that he still cared for them. He just had a funny way of showing it.

The Trinity ruled for awhile longer until a dark one by the name of Azmyth overthrew them, and became their sole king. Azmyth asked the members of the Trinity to become his top lords, instead of killing them or even banishing them. Once again, the rules of the dark ones changed, or at least as much as they were able. Many dark ones having grown used to the absolute control that the strong had over the weak was resistance to any change that took away this power--even those who would benefit from these changes protested against it. Azmyth knew that in order to make these changes stick that the people had to want them. 

Under his influence, the dark ones' society moved away from what the Trinity had created underneath their rule and slowly towards what it used to be. It has still not reached it. The members of the Trinity went off to do their own things. Addais found entertainment out of manipulating humans. He killed countless humans during these as he called them 'games' but he didn't care. It was during this time that angels, whom were unable to enter the world of eternal darkness, begged God to find another way to protect mankind against their earthly tormentors. He agreed, and brought demons from hell to take up the mantle of man's protector.

This arrangement was perfect for awhile. Humans who were once underneath the complete and utter mercy of the dark ones now had a safe haven to turn to. It would be wrong to think that the dark ones didn't still torment humans during this time. They did. Many humans still worshiped them as gods, and so wouldn't seek any form of demonic protections. Then there was the simply fact that demons were simply unable to rescue every human slave from his dark one master. Either this was because the demon was unaware of them, or their masters had locked them someplace that no one aside from the masters could find them. 

Over time, the demons that were once charged with protecting the race of man ended up being the ones to harm them instead. Man would endure endless abuse from both dark ones and demons until a human girl by the name of Sara Jean climbed to the top of the tallest mountain, and asked God not to defeat those that harmed them but instead give them a tool in which they could use to defend themselves. God moved by her words returned the sun to man. The return of the sun caused the dark ones to flee into another realm. They found that the sun's rays was harmful towards them.

The more powerful dark ones like Addais found that while being out in the sun does weaken them it doesn't outright kill them. This allowed them to entire the realm of man to steal slaves, and watch the changes that occurred within the realm of man. Addais is aware the creation of Sol, her killing spree of demons, and the creation of the Covenant of heaven and hell. He even knows the rules created by this document. He doesn't care about it. As far as he is concerned, he and his people are outside its influence, but he does nothing to directly challenge it.

He has watched the world of man change. He has watched as they slowly forgot about the age of the dark ones--the age of magic. He had seen many human societies rise and fall since the return of the sun. Societies that like, the dark ones, had been lost in the sands of time. He has watched the societies that man know today rise up, and he is both marveled and awestruck by their advancement. Through, he does wonders which of the nations existing today they will remember in a thousand years. Still, in spite all these changes Addais manages to move and establish himself within this new human world. He, like many, dark ones who are capable of entering the realm of man has taken many slaves back towards their new home, but he doesn't hesitate keeping some on earth.

Face Portrayed By: Anheru Vika